Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 238: Fun Fact Friday - 2 Mirror Movies?!?

I'm keeping todays "fun fact" short, sweet, and highly audio-visual!  The trailers for two upcoming films were recently released.  Both retell the classic Grimm's fairy tale, Snow White.  Since the title of my blog borrows from the famous "Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall....Who's the Fairest of them All?" quote from Disney's most evil queen, and especially since both of these trailers manage to squeeze that phrase into the preview, I can't wait to watch (and then over-analyze) the full feature films!  In the meantime, I've collected youtube videos of (1) the Disney "original" Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, (2) Mirror, Mirror, and (3) Snow White and the Huntsman for your own viewing pleasure.  (BTW, I find it interesting that - in both of the new films - it is the evil queen rather than Snow White whose presence dominates the trailers)


MIRROR, MIRROR (March 2012)


Okay, is it just me, or does Snow White and the Huntsman not look TOTALLY BADASS??  Not that I don't adore Julia Roberts.... :)

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  1. OMG - I can't wait for these to come out! I'll take my daughter to the Julia Roberts one and see the Huntsman one with friends. Any ideas (Kjerstin or anyone else) for discussing the whole "Mirror, Mirror . . . Fairest One of All" thing with my 12 yr old daughter?

  2. Hrmmm... I spoke with my supervisor at About-Face today about this very question. She suggested you
    (1) frame the conversation around the question of why women in the movies compete with each other when it comes to beauty. It would be great to remind daughter that ALL women are beautiful because they are UNIQUE (not because they are perfect), so there is really no such thing as "the fairest of them all".

    (2) You could also talk about all the different "real" women in your lives that you admire and find beautiful. I'm sure none of them look alike!

    (3) Finally, this is a great way to remind your daughter that the media she sees (including these films!) present a really narrow definition of beauty... but that love, success, and happiness happen to all sorts of women, not just to stereotypically beautiful women.

    For more resources, go to the About Face website:


  3. "Mirror, Mirror," looks pretty funny, but "Snow White & The Huntsman" definitely wins the badass award. :D I'm almost sure that one will fare better in theatres, because even though many people will probably see "Mirror, Mirror," a lot of Twilight fans will probably see anything with Kristen Stewart in it.

  4. With all the winter gift giving holidays coming up, has anyone else noticed the kind of scary mirror-related toys out there for girls? Ones that talk to the girls and hook them into body image issues early. And the new snow white film tie-ins aren't even out yet.
    Such as: (Let's combine it with a sedentary video game!) (Because you have to be pretty AND blonde...)

    And for grownups? Well, how about this one? It would keep you from looking at mirrors indefinitely!

    But this one might just make up for them all if you program the right messages into it. (Mantra Monday anyone?)

    And lastly, a better use for mirrors altogether - as a security system (OK, this is actually supremely cool)

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