Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day 346: New York, New York, I'm Here... (and a Little Nervous)

As I'm writing this post, it's Sunday evening in New York City, a few minutes past midnight.  I'm having a hard time falling asleep because I'm anxious about tomorrow, when Michael and I will be interviewed by Robin Roberts at ABC studios.  I'm really excited, but also nervous.  All I want is to sound smart and fun and not like a crazy lady, which is intimidating enough itself, but I'm also worried that I'll look like a train wreck.   (I'm responsible for my own hair, makeup, and wardrobe.)

I mean, let's be frank - looking like a train wreck is a distinct possibility on every single day of this project, and I usually don't worry too much.  (Good enough is good enough, right?  Besides, I trust my friends and colleagues to tell me if I've got mascara on my nose.)  But tomorrow is different.  It feels like a bigger deal than most days, and the last time I had a "big deal" day, I was getting married and had all of my best girlfriends plus my mom and sister close by to help me stay calm and wipe lipstick off of my teeth.  Not this time, so I'll have to muster up a carefree attitude and try to have fun with it.   Besides, a core goal of this project is to be less obsessive and insecure about my looks....

I've written some notes to myself about points I want to get across during the interview.  I've packed an extra shirt (or two) in case I spill oatmeal on myself at breakfast tomorrow.  Finally, I'm trying to remind myself of how far I've come, and that that nobody's going to try to make me look like a moron (I hope!).  Thank goodness Michael is here with me.  It's nice to have a hand to squeeze!

Any advice for handling public speaking anxiety?  
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  1. Surely Michael will prevent any major bloopers. You'll do great and I hope to catch a clip of you!

    1. Thanks Terri! I just got back from the interview and there weren't any major bloopers that I was made aware of... hopefully that means there weren't any!

  2. GOOD LUCK!!! I like to sometimes imagine the person i want to be seen as and run through my head as that person for the day and how i'd do everything and what i'd say. It helps!
    HAVE FUN! I think your doing such a great thing!

    1. Yes! I totally did this and I think it helped.

    2. Thats so so great to hear!!! I'm glad :) I bet you blew them all away!

  3. So exciting! Just be yourself, don't think too much and above all have fun. You're going to do great!!!

  4. Just remember that you don't have to be perfect to be great!

  5. Just remember that if anything goes "wrong" with your appearance, it actually furthers some of the messages you have been espousing. If you walk out there with something a little "off" (compared to what you would have done if you had a mirror to obsess over) then you will show the audience that it's ok to not be perfect, even on TV. And if you do happen to look perfect on tv, you will have proven that you can still be perfect without obsessing in the mirror. You win (and so does the audience) either way.

  6. You'll do great! Enjoy!

  7. Hello!
    I am not sure if you have this issue, but when I was doing public speaking, I spoke WAY too fast! I would talk a million words a second just to get all over with! But, I had a teacher (who knew I LOVED Jim Morrison) tell me about the pregnant pause, which was something Jim used to get through it all.
    I would write “Jim” on all of my notes to help me slow down.
    Just a thought.

    Good Luck!!!!!!

  8. Hi Kjerstin!

    I was so excited to read that your year without mirrors project is going to be published! Congratulations! I cannot wait to purchase the book!

    I am living in my sorority house this year and it is definitely easy to become consumed by the materialism and image-oriented facets of greek life, but reading your blog posts have really helped me keep everything in perspective. It has been a challenge to navigate through the appearance-centered aspects of being in a sorority - PR, Recruitment, combating stereotypes, etc., and still try to hold on to everything that I learned last year in the cluster and especially, your seminar. Your blog has helped me to remember the balance and all that I learned last year - the inequalities related to appearance, the Healthy at Every Size model (which I have become a big advocate of), and so much more! When I look at my phone and see an email from "Mirror, Mirror OFF the Wall," I can't wait to read it and see what new insight it will provide. Thank you!

    I cannot wait to see your 20/20 segment! Good luck today, I know you will be amazing!

    1. Maria!
      It's so wonderful to hear from you, and I'm glad that you're doing well. I was in a sorority during college also, and it definitely challenged me to figure out exactly what my values were, compared to some of the "group think" that goes on. I'm tickled that you read the blog posts - I'll keep them coming!
      Take care,

  9. I would think anxiety would be called for as this is not just public speaking but national television and if your hair and make up are not perfect... it lends credience to your story. On the flipside you have Michael but if your husband is anything like mine, let's just say when I injured my arm putting my hair in a ponytail for me totally eluded him. My hair didn't see a ponytail for a month.

    I do however know of something that should be able to help with future anxiety. I do a lot energy work, emotional release, reiki, etc. This is a simple exercise I give to my clients as a tool they can use when they are feeling anxious.

    Clasp your hands together. Note if you left thumb or right thumb is on top. For me the left thrumb is on top so the following directions are based on your left thumb on top. If your right thumb is on top reverse the directions.

    Sitting down, place you left ankle on your right knee. Put your right hand on your left ankle. Place your left hand on the ball of your left foot. With me so far... easy peasy. Now breath in deeeeeeply through your nose and as you do so pull yourself upward into a straight sitting position. Breath out through your mouth and relax as you do so. Then start again. Usually within 5 - 9 breaths in this position you will feel your energy shift and you will start to feel calmer. This is an easy technique that works and... it's FREE!

    Let me know if you have any questions and how it works for you. Did they air the NBC segment this morning? I am currently in a location that has internet but not TV. Go figure. Did you get a copy of the segment so you can post it?

    1. I like this idea.... may implement it the next time I'm called to duty in front of the camera or a crowd!

  10. 1/2 a Xanax unless you aren't used to it. Or even 2 or 3 Homeopathic CALMS. Good luck. If your nervous remember to breathe.....................Donna

  11. I just read this! I bet you looked great and sounded smart :D I can't wait to see you on TV!

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