Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 328: 3 BIG Announcements!

I have three MAJOR announcements to share today.  I'm bubbling over with excitement and pride!  Here goes:

1) I am no longer unemployed.... because I've been offered the best job in the world!  I finalized a BOOK DEAL with Penguinbased on Mirror Mirror OFF the Wall.  
I've been working to make this deal happen since a few weeks before my wedding (and I know a few of you have already caught word of the news), but nothing felt final until I deposited my first (modest) advance check in the bank.  That happened last week, and I've been a little dazed ever since.  I feel like I can finally call myself a writer.  Authoring a book has been a lifelong dream of mine, so I am incredibly grateful for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
If anybody wants to buy me this coffee mug, I'll
gratefully guzzle from it every day for motivation!
Much like my blog, the book will be a humorous and quirky memoir of my year without mirrors, chock-full of nerdy insights from the latest research on body image along with historical and cultural "stuff" about mirrors and beauty.  It will go further than the blog, by delving into my life in greater detail and by incorporating a much more substantive amount of research and "fun facts."   I couldn't have made this happen without my phenomenal book agent, Mollie Glick, of Foundry Media.  Mollie pushed me to produce a book proposal (the week before my wedding!!) when I didn't know if I had it in me, and then held my hand through the nerve-wracking experience of the "auction."  I'm also psyched that I'll soon be working with Marisa Vigilante, my editor over at Penguin!  Hopefully she'll help polish gems out of the pebbles I'll be sending her in a few months... :)  Right now the book is slated to come out in Summer of 2013, so I have lots and lots (and lots and lots) of work to do!

2) ABC's 20/20 has signed on to produce a segment on my year without mirrors.
Robin Roberts is amazing.  I will be speechless.
Holy crap!  Yep.  It's true.  The lovely publicity folks at Penguin helped to negotiate terms for filming that I am comfortable with (i.e., they have promised to cover the important issues I care about, and NOT just focus on the scintillating mystery of how I apply eyeliner without a mirror...).  In a few weekends Michael and I are headed to New York City to be interviewed in the ABC studio by Robin Roberts (gah! feeling faint...).  I'm particularly thrilled that a 20/20 film crew has agreed to accompany me to the UCSF Young Women's Health Leadership Summit on March 7th, where I'll be giving two About-Face media-literacy workshops and basking in the amazingness of girl power.  The 20/20 episode will likely air sometime in April, after my year-without-mirrors is officially over.  I'll keep you posted on how things progress, and you'll definitely get a note to "tune in" on the air-date.  (BTW - Is it horrible that I'm kind of freaking out about what I should wear for the interview?  Any publicists out there have advice??)

3) Finally - THE PARTY IS ON!!  (And you are ALL invited!) 
Clearly, there is much to celebrate.  So... on the evening of Saturday, March 24th, I'm throwing a "First Look" party in the "Audre Lorde Room" of the stunning San Francisco Women's Building, to celebrate the end of my year without mirrors.  I'm partnering with About-Face to make this an ALL-OUT BODY-POSITIVE BONANZA.  We've invited other Bay Area organizations to the event, so there will be lots of fun, playful, body-positive activities and exhibits.  I'm springing for booze and munchies, so fun will be had by all.  At midnight we'll toast to my adventurous year, and I'll go check my badass-self out in a mirror for the first time in ages.  I couldn't have gotten through this year without the support and encouragement from this blog community, so please join me if you're able!  If you're interested in attending, shoot me an email at and I'll add you to the official evite so you can get all the details.  

Again, THANK YOU, ALL OF YOU, for reading this blog and supporting me in this journey.  It's not over yet!

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  1. Congratulations!!!!! You're a great influence, just what we need! My best wishes and enjoy every little moment, you deserve it!

  2. Congrats! So happy that such a great project will be shared with so many people. And can't wait to buy the book! :)

  3. Congratulations!! I will definitely buy your book! This is such an inspiration for young women!

  4. Way COOL! I'm happy that your passion about this topic will have a bigger audience and that About-Face will be able to reach out to more girls and young women

  5. Woohoo! Welcome to the crazy world of authorhood!

    1. Thank you so much for your note... yes, "authorhood" is crazy. Any advice for a newbie? Also - congrats on the release of your first book! How great!

  6. Oh, Kjerstin - I am so proud of you. "You done good"...

    Let me know if there is ever anything I can do to be of assistance in your

    Looking forward to the party - have fun in New York!

    Love you & Michael,


  7. YAY!!!!!! Congrats Kjerstin!!!! This is SO exciting! So happy to hear the good news!

  8. Congratulations times two!

  9. I'm so happy for you! I only ask that you sign my copy if the book so I can brag about you. I used to say I worked with Amy locaNe but that's not as cool anymore.
    Let me know when you come to visit the east coast.

  10. OMG! OMG! OMG! Your news is AWESOME! Who is going to play you in the movie or will you play yourself and add acting to your line oc accomplishments. Come on you know it's only a short leap to a movie!! I so wish I could be there for the unveiling. Think about skyping it for the rest of us. Of course it will be 3:00am here for the rest of us but so worth waiting up for. This is so much bigger than the party your sister offered to throw and then forgot about... good thing.

    Even after day 365 you need to continue the blog and let all of us know what's happening so you we can follow you. Oh... just had another thought... a movie premier for all of us that follow the blog. I just know there is going to be a movie!


    1. Katie!
      Thanks for your note and your excitement. By all means, keep praying for a movie deal - that would be the icing on the cake! I'll have to think about the Skype idea, though I haven't figured out the details of my "first look" anyway... not sure if I want to do it privately or in front of people (leaning toward private). I agree that this should be more fun than a small party... it's really exciting to have other organizations involved so it isn't just The Kjerstin Show - lol!

      Don't worry - I'll definitely keep up the blog. My experiences during the year without mirrors are only part of the story... I hope my life is changed for the better even once mirrors are part of it again. Time will tell! :)

  11. Congratulations! You should feel really proud of all you've accomplished. Thanks for bringing us along on your journey.

  12. Wow! This is amazing. Great job, Kjerstin! =)

  13. This is such a load of great news! I'm ready to pre-order your book and to say I knew you when...

  14. HOLY CRAP Congratulations! =) This is AMAZING! I am SO happy for you and proud of you! This is just the beginning, KJ! =) Sending lots of positive vibes from Cleveland!

  15. Hi Kjerstin,

    Congratulations regarding all of the good fortunes, couldn't have been awarded to a more deserving and hard working person.
    I've been following your journey since around July, first and only blog i read actually, and had started dreading day 365 just for the fact that it might deprive me of reading your entertaining and thought provoking posts.
    I wish I could attend your "coming-out" party but now I have more blog and a book to look forward to. Just make sure that Penguin will distribute it to Sweden as well.

    Thanks for a great blog, well wishes for the future and much love

    1. MAC - thanks so much for your note. It's heartwarming to hear that you've enjoyed reading about the project so far! I'll be sure to mention to my agent that Sweden wants a version of the book... :D

  16. Congratulations Kjerstin! I feel a real surge of peace and happiness to read this post. It just goes to show that miracles can be achieved by taking steps to improve our self esteem and focus on the positive. I am very proud of all of your efforts and the shining light your journey and insights have brought to us all. I think you can forget about "once in a life time" too - I think you just found your path :-)

    Congrats awesome lady, you deserve it all :-)
    xxx Kathryn

  17. Great story. Your are beautiful from the inside out to the outside in!

  18. Great story. You look great!

  19. wow.... just saw the interview on ABC. That is awesome.... they should teach this idea in health classes, just like sex education. Kids need to be more confident about themselves.

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