Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 126: Fun Fact Fridays (M.C. Escher's Hand with Reflecting Sphere)

In the lithograph Hand with Reflecting Sphere created in 1935, M.C. Escher is seen holding the sphere in his hand (which is itself reflected) so that he also has himself and his studio “in hand”. To Escher, the mirror image was no ordinary matter. He was fascinated by the mixture of the one reality (the mirror itself and everything surrounding it) with the other reality (the reflection in the mirror) as seen with this work of art.

So here's the fun fact:In Hand with Reflecting Sphere, Escher depicts a spherical mirror, seemingly resting on a left hand. But... because a lithograph print is the reverse of the original drawing on stone, it is really the right hand being depicted. CRAZY! (FYI - Escher was left-handed, so he needed that hand to make the drawing).

Today's Fun Fact was found here, at

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  1. My left-handed right-side brain is strained trying to conceptualize these 2 paragraphs.

    It is filled with "what-if(s)" Escher drew with his left hand, but drew it all backwards/reversed, knowing that the litho would also be reversed when printed, etc. gets confusing. My son and I have always been big Escher fans. I really cannot wrap my head around this...going to have to recreate to envision the reality of this image/reflection...must stop thinking about this for now...

  2. Yeah, it took me while to "get it" too!

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