Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 118: Fun Fact Fridays! (Flappers, Makeup, & Mirrors)

Image found here.
"In the effort to look like the attractive women they saw in movies and magazines, American women in the 1920s put aside long-established objections to face makeup and began to purchase and use a wide range of cosmetics.  At first, face powders were the most popular; eventually, rouge, lipstick, and eyebrow pencil were added to the list of acceptable beauty aids.  Gadgets for curling eyelashes were also marketed in drugstores for the first time in the 1920s.

Image found here
By the middle of the decade, the American cosmetics industry was flourishing and its growth was unrelenting, largely because teenage girls, as well as mature women, were making up in a way that was associated with the 'flapper' ideal.  Sales of compacts (small, handheld mirrors with a compartment for powder) soared because they allowed women to scrutinize and 'reconstruct' the face almost anywhere, at a moment's notice."

This fun fact found on pg. 70 of The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls, by Joan Jacobs Brumberg

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  1. OK, I am caught up. Instead of doing the dishes or laundry, I've spent my morning reading your blog from the beginning. I found you on Kristen's "That's what she said" post on Rage Against the Minivan.
    I am an almost 35yo woman who is about 90lbs overweight. I am quite tall so I carry it well (so I tell myself. LOL) I think that your journey is very intriguing. Our society is so into our looks and looking as good as the next person. As I read through your posts, I was shamefully reminded how many times I checked my lips in the rearview mirror yesterday morning on the way to church. And how I obsessively check my face for blemishes, and make sure that my hair looks right.
    Your writing makes me want to embark on a similar journey, not only to benefit myself but also my 5yo daughter who is already way to concerned about how she looks.
    It is my goal to obtain a treadmill and to walk a certain amount per day in an effort to loose weight to benefit my health. I suffer from High cholesterol as well as bad knees and hips. I will not be governed by what my scale says as I will only be weighing in once a month. And you have inspired me to not be governed by what my mirrors tell me. I will be taking steps to eliminate the mirrors in my home. I will only be using a handheld compact size mirror to do makeup and hair.
    Thank you for inspiring me to make this change for the emotional health of my daughter and myself

  2. Jess - WOAH! What an amazing comment. 1) Don't feel ashamed for looking in the mirror - you said so yourself: our society teaches us that our looks are important! 2) How amazing that you're thinking of your daughter, and how your actions might inspire her to have confidence in her body (and the rest of her!). I hope they do. Moms matter! 3) Congrats on making healthful decisions on your own terms.

    Take care and stay in touch on this journey!

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